Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Don't Under Estimate Yourself!

You are an amazing powerful being with intelligence and choice. Don't ever underestimate yourself or your abilities!

All the best,
TaLisa Sheppard


Friday, June 5, 2015

Kindness is Cupcake for the Soul

"Acts of kindness are sugar-free cupcakes for the soul. Start your day with a fresh batch of kindness to give away, only after you've first served yourself."  - TaLisa Sheppard, Author

Although there are many things in our life we can't control, being kind is most certainly not one of them. We have within our power to be kind, to give kindness away and to receive it - even when it's hard. Kindness is consideration, decency, gracious humanity, and cordial tenderness. It's expressed in the form of sweet smiles, simple polite gestures, thoughtful forbearance, a handful of helpfulness, and genuine acts of goodwill to all life.

Kindness is an expression of who we kind (it looks good on you). You're worth it and our world needs it.

Today's Mantra: "I am kind to myself and kind to others, even when it's hard."

Sending smiles your way,
TaLisa Sheppard, Author
"The Book of I Am: Speak the Truth to Change Your Life"

Sunday, May 31, 2015


I imagine her waiting, hoping and believing things would change. Her patience being tested as she witnessed the evidence of the wind blow against the sails of other boats in the same waters. How long did she stand there, watching, rocking with the waves but going no where? She's in the storm of her life and there's wind...but it's not going in her direction. Have you ever been there?

Her strength is not revealed in the fact the wind did not "blow her way". We all have experienced disappointments. But her strength is simply stated that "she stood".

She stood.

She stood in the storm and sometimes that's all you can do is stand, with your head held high, watching, waiting and being vigilant.

I have certainly had my share of storms. Life has happened to me in zigzags, curves and choppy tidal waves. Sometimes simply staying afloat and riding those waves in your right mind, with a peace that is without understanding is a win. If you're in a storm, and the wind is not blowing your way, I encourage you to lift up your head, be grateful the wind is blowing and have the courage to adjust your sails.


I am strong. I am standing. I am going to make it!

All the best to you,
TaLisa Sheppard, Author
"The Book of I Am: Speak the Truth to Change Your Life"

The Book of I Am

The Book of I Am is an inspirational book that features more than 500 words of affirmations and "I Am" statements that aim to encourage readers to speak the truth and to use positive words to shape their mindset and physical circumstances in order to achieve their dreams.

This book will be released June 2015.